the secretly (not so) secret force behind popular brands you know and love, and emerging ones you will soon enough.
I am RK Jackson, Digital & Social Marketing Strategist, Brand Manager, and Creative Director from Atlanta, Georgia. Since 2009, I've developed a wealth of business and brand management acumen with a myriad of personalities and companies with a variety of services, and products small to large.
I have also had the pleasure of scaling product and curating marketing for beauty, food and beverage brands that now appear in major retail stores and supermarkets around the globe.
It has been my distinct honor of having my client work featured nationwide and internationally in print publications, billboards, on television, and numerous blogs and websites. Maybe every now and then you'll see some tweets of mine go viral as on Twitter and inevitably across the internet lol.
Possessing a keen brand management focus, I pride myself on three tiers of service: understanding the vision of the project, ensuring the quality of the product, and executing with purpose no matter the medium.

It's all about what you make it.
In each project we take on we strive
to bring an infinite energy to production
one that sets the tone for business.
Storytelling is such an important part
of any design, campaign or strategy session and we take the initiative to cultivate unique visual consumer
focused experiences each and
every time.
We collaborate with some of the most talented people in the industry to bring visions to life.